Do you let your cat roam outdoors?

What are some safe options for letting your cats roam outdoors?

In Australia Cat owners are encouraged to keep their cat indoors permanently, or contained by way of a cat containment system to prevent their cat hunting, cat calling, fighting and being injured by cars or other animals.  Depending on the laws in your state and city, letting your cat roam the neighborhood could even result in fines and animal control taking custody of your pet.

At Modern Paws, we enlighten on alternatives to letting your cat roam outdoors, ensuring their happiness, health, and well-being. We understand the importance of providing a secure outdoor experience for your cat.

If your feline companion is yearning for some outdoor time, we've got the perfect solution with our range of Ibiyaya pet prams or strollers.

The Ibiyaya Double Decker Pet Stroller

This innovative stroller offers a safe and sheltered space for your cat to enjoy the outdoors without exposing them to potential risks. The Double Decker Pet Stroller is especially designed for multi-pet families, allowing you to take two or more cats on a worry-free adventure


Designed to shield your furry friends from diseases, insects, and potential dangers from larger animals, this stroller ensures a calm and protected outdoor experience. Now you can indulge in outdoor strolls with your cats, allowing them to soak in new sights, sounds, and natural scents without any fear. 

Check out our Cat Prams & Strollers here


The benefits of using a cat pram or stroller

  • Provides opportunity for exercise in fresh air and sunshine while keeping your feline friend safe from potential hazards like cars, dogs, insects, and other dangers found outdoors.


  • It gives them the opportunity to explore their environment in a safe, controlled manner. Many cats have never been outside before because they live exclusively indoors- this can cause sensory overload for your pet when you first take them out of the house, which could lead to negative behavioral issues if not handled correctly from the start.


  • Not only does it give them an opportunity to explore and see things, but also gives them a chance to help rid themselves of any potential allergens or illnesses they may have been exposed to inside.


What are some other safe options for letting your cats roam outdoors?

As a cat owner, you may be concerned about the safety of letting your furry friend roam outdoors. While it's important to keep your cat safe from potential dangers, there are definitely other options you can put in place to allow them to enjoy the outdoors in a safe manner.

What about outdoor cat enclosures?

Outdoor cat enclosures are a great way to provide your cat with a safe and secure outdoor space. These enclosures can be made using various materials such as wire mesh or wood, and they can be customized to fit your yard or balcony. By creating an enclosed area, you can give your cat the freedom to explore and enjoy the fresh air while keeping them protected from predators and other hazards.

what about walking your cat on a harness and lead?

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can also consider walking your cat on a harness and lead. This allows you to take your cat for a walk just like you would with a dog. However, it's important to note that not all cats will take to this activity easily. It may require some patience and training to get your cat comfortable with wearing a harness and walking on a lead. Always ensure that the harness fits properly and that you use a lightweight lead to prevent any discomfort for your cat.

What factors should you consider when choosing the right option?

When deciding which option is best for you and your cat, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, think about your cat's personality and behavior. Some cats may be more adventurous and enjoy exploring, while others may prefer a more enclosed space. Additionally, consider your living situation and the available outdoor space. If you have a large yard, an outdoor cat enclosure may be a great option. However, if you live in an apartment or have limited outdoor space, walking your cat n a pram or on a harness and lead may be more suitable.

How can we help?

At our company, we understand the importance of keeping your cat safe while still allowing them to enjoy the outdoors. If you ever have any questions or need assistance in choosing the right option for your cat, our team is always here to help.

Remember, the safety and well-being of your cat should always be a top priority. By exploring these safe outdoor options, you can provide your cat with the best of both worlds - the freedom to enjoy the outdoors and the peace of mind knowing they are protected.



Thanks for reading xx



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